
Although you're perfectly welcome to look around these pages without further ado, there are a few things you might want to know first.


These pages are primarily my logbook of my plastic modelling activities. I figured HTML was as good a format as any other to keep my log in, and in a fit of vanity, I decided the contents might be useful or perhaps mildly amusing to the world at large, and that I would therefore make this log available to the public. Rather than keeping a mirror of my website on my local system, I'm putting a mirror of my local data on the web.

Structure (or lack there of)

I've split up these pages into a number of categories, each representing an aspect of what keeps me occupied in this hobby (those who prefer the word 'obsession' are forgiven). Within each category, there may be one or more projects, which in turn might contain more than one kit being worked on, or already completed. If there is more than one kit in a project, there will be some logical connection between the kits, but I won't guarantee this logic is in any way apparent to the external observer.
Within each category and project, you will find dated log entries, which are made when there has been some progress, and time to document it. This is subject to a considerable degree of randomness, and as a result, the entries may not be as readable as build reports or reviews found elsewhere on the web, especially those concerning projects that are not yet finished.

Latest site updates

Added The Artifact
Added Sword and Special Hobby F-84F Thunderstreaks
Added "Dark Merchant" and "Green Lady" to large fantasy singles
Added Z-95 headhunter

An archive of the previous updates can be found on the Revision history page.


Phantoms The big, loud, ugly F-4 in its various guises.
USN US navy and marine corps aviation post WWII.
Russians Fighter aircraft from the former Soviet Union. Mainly Sukhoi craft, but there will be a few other birds roosting here.
Figures I don't just do airplanes, there's individual figures lurking around my house as well. Considerable numbers of 54mm (mainly) Napoleonic, with WWII and 25mm fantasy stuff to keep them company.
Flying boats Flying boats of any era and type, although most will obviously be from the early twentieth century.
1/48 scale Warbirds WWII fighters and attack planes in 1/48 scale.
SF models Models based on SciFi movies and series.
Dakotas Douglas DC-3/C-47 Dakotas.
Others Anything that doesn't fall under the previous categories. This is mainly stuff that was already in my stash of kits before I decided to limit myself to the previous categories (a protective measure; without this restriction, there would probably be no room in my house left after storing the unbuilt kits). This is also where you will find kits that were built for a special purpose or reason.
Aerobits My tinkerings with 3D design and printing.
Museum Kits finished before this log started, and unrelated to any of the projects.
Materials notes Notes on various materials used.

Contact info

In the event that anyone reading this should actually want to talk to me, I can be reached at the xs4all.nl domain, under the rob_van_riel account. Putting these elements in the usual order with the usual separator between them should give a valid email address. My apologies for not being a little more explicit, but I'd like to keep the spambots a bit confused. It probably won't help much, but at least they'll have to work for the info...